Progressive Homemaker

Homemaking is not just for conservatives anymore!

About December 19, 2010

Silly me just figured out how to edit my About page!  I tell ya, I am pretty low-tech.  Well, at least I am here now and able to post a proper description of my blog and myself.  I aim to make this blog a place where I post regularly about all those little steps I take toward my big goal of living in a green, sustainable way, as self-sufficiently as possible.  I may not be able to run right on now and buy a piece of land and set up the little cottage homestead I have always wanted, but I can bloom where I am planted and start what I can start right here, right now.  After all, the basic tenant of the Green Movement is to “stay where you are, dig in and make things better.”  Wish me luck and maybe join me on my journey!


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